Skinwalkers 2006
In accordance with the Navajos' legend, a thirteen year-old boy will finish with the curse of the powerful Skinwalkers, a.k.a. werewolves. The half-breed boy Timothy is raised by his human mother Rachel and protected by his Skinwalkers relatives since he was born. His grandmother Nana, his uncle Jonas, his cousin Katherine, her boyfriend Adam and their friend Doak have kept the secret about his bloodline and neither Timothy nor Rachel know the tragic curse. A couple of days before Timothy's thirteenth birthday, a pack of evil Skinwalkers that had tasted blood leaded by the evil Varek chases the boy while his family protects him.
I enlighet med Navajos "legend kommer en tretton-årig pojke avsluta med förbannelse av de kraftfulla Skinwalkers och aka varulvar. Den halvblod boy Timothy höjs med sin mänskliga mor Rakel och skyddas av sina Skinwalkers släktingar sedan han föddes. Hans farmor Nana, hans farbror Jonas, hans kusin Katherine, hennes pojkvän Adam och deras vän Doak har hållit hemligheten om hans blodsband och varken Timothy eller Rachel vet tragiska förbannelse. Ett par dagar före Timothy trettonde födelsedag, en förpackning med onda Skinwalkers som hade smakat blod blyad av den onde Varek jagar pojken medan hans familj skyddar honom.