torsdag 20 september 2012

Electra 2005

Electra 2005

The ulitimata battle between good & evil.Electra the female warrior haunted by his mother's death. She is an assassin and is deployed in a cottage on an island where she meets ONE 13 year old girl who broke into the henne.Electra meet the daughter's father on the beach when he was looking for his daughter .. Later in the afternoon, Abby & offers Electra at Christmas dinner.Electra finds out that it is her father Miller & Abby that Electra will eliminate. But she knows that something is not right. Electra see some demons that try to kill them as she stops. She tries to find out why the demons are after them. She discovers her daughter has a special gift that demons are after. Electra must now win the battle against the demons to rescue his daughter and her father.